Getting bit in the ass by it wouldn't drive anyone insane, though it might be slightly surprising at first. The Vasari use nanotechnology all the time. Whatever the Vasari are running from ain't pretty and is far more dangerous than anything you or I could fathom. Think less Cylons/Geth and more along the lines of Cthulhu and the Elder Gods. Only a single Vasari warship ever survived contact with whatever this enemy is, with the ship's crew was driven made with fear. Considering the fact the Vasari make heavy use of nanotechnology, this sounds plausible at first, but when you really think about it long enough, it is pretty unlikely.

The Vasari enemy is an army of rogue AI constructsBetween the Flotilla fleeing from the Geth in Mass Effect and the Colonial Fleet legging it from the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica, the Vasari story has some strong precedent resonance.